Q2(b). “Non-performance of duty by a public servant is a form of corruption.” Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer. (150 words) 10
Corruption is often defined as an act of demanding or accepting illegal gratification, obtaining valuable things without consideration or with inadequate consideration from a person having official dealings or possessing assets disproportionate to his known source of income or the case of misappropriation, forgery or cheating or other criminal offences. Hence, non-performance of duty is not specifically covered under the definition of corruption.
However, if the public servants do not perform their duties, the impact of their inaction may be as harmful as that of corruption. For example,
• If a doctor fails to perform his duty to provide treatment to an ailing patient, it may cause loss of life.
• If a police officer fails to arrest and prosecute criminals, they may commit many more crimes.
• If a tax officer fails to curb tax evasion, the tax revenue reduces and affects development.
• If a judge fails to do justice in time, innocents may suffer while criminals may stay free.
Hence, deliberate non-performance of duty may be treated as a form of corruption. (170 words)