Q 1 (a): Wisdom lies in knowing what to reckon with and what to overlook. An officer being engrossed with the periphery, ignoring the core issues before him, is not rare in the bureaucracy. Do you agree that such preoccupation of an administrator leads to travesty of justice to the cause of effective service delivery and good governance? Critically evaluate. (Answer in 150 words) 10
A civil servant is a public servant who must provide good governance to the citizens by delivering government services efficiently, effectively and for the good of citizens. Civil servants have multiple responsibilities and functions. They must focus on discharging the functions that can maximise the benefits to the people.
A good administrator must use the limited resource of the government most effectivity by choosing the right priority and focusing on important public matters. For example, a tax officer must focus on the big taxpayers and evaders to collect maximum revenue for the nation, instead of booking cases against the small taxpayers. Similarly, a police officer must focus on heinous crimes, gangsters and notorious criminals, ignoring petty crimes.
When administrators are preoccupied with petty and superficial issues, it hampers the goal of good governance. So, in the best public interest, a good administrator must focus on important and priority issues while overlooking petty issues. (154 words)
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