Implication of Removal of Article 35A
•Article 35A, prohibited non-permanent residents of J&K from permanently settling in the state, buying immovable property, acquiring land, applying for government jobs or any kind of scholarships, aids as well as other public welfare projects.
•The people of J&K will now lose these special benefits associated with the permanent resident certificate.
Change in demography character
•Kashmir today has Muslim majority.
•After the abrogation of 370 and 35A, people of any part of India can settle here.
•This may enable Hindus from other parts of India to migrate to the state and thus engineer a demographic transformation.
Legislative powers of J&K Assembly Curtailed
•J&K shall now be a Union Territory with Legislature.
•It sill not have the power over police, land and law and order.
•Lt Governor will be the effective administrator of the State like Delhi
•Assembly will no longer be in a position to clear any significant bills within the state.
Preferential employment opportunities for J&K resident’s withdrawn
•Under Article 35A no outsider could bag a government job in J&K.
•Companies in the state were even forced to hire only locals.
•The revoking of this rule intends to level the playing field to all citizens in India.
•This may reduce the job opportunities of the local youths in short run.
•The job opportunities may increase in future, once investments from outside pours in.
Delimitation of Constituencies
•The existing state of Jammu and Kashmir has 87 assembly constituencies and six Lok Sabha constituencies.
•This includes four assembly and one Lok Sabha constituencies are in Ladakh region, which is going to be a separate Union Territory.
•Kashmir Valley has 46 assembly and three parliamentary constituencies allocated to Jammu and Kashmir.
•Jammu has 37 assembly and two Lok Sabha seats.
•The delimitation commission set up by Modi Government will redraw the maps of assembly and parliamentary constituencies of Jammu and Kashmir, where more seats are likely to be allocated to Jammu
Increase in investment
•No investor was earlier willing to set up an industry, hotel, private educational institutions or private hospitals since they could neither buy land or property nor can his executives do so.
•The children of the people outside J&K could not get government jobs or admission to colleges.
•This prevented enrichment, resource generation and job creation.
•Now the investment is likely to increase in J&K.
All Central Government Laws to be operative
•There were many laws of Central Government like RTI, Prevention of Corruption Act, that did not operate in J&K. Now all laws shall be operative in J&K.
•Many beneficial schemes of the governments like minimum wages, Right to Education, higher scales to government employees etc. are likely to benefit people of J&K
Other Implications
•Every resident of Jammu and Kashmir state would now enjoy just single citizenship like all other states of India.
•Jammu and Kashmir state would have just one National Flag and no State Flag
•The tenure of the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly is reduced to 5 years from 6 years of earlier.